The Ultimate Guide To Mountain Biking Blue Derby Tasmania
I’d like to introduce you to a little mountain bike park we now call our local… you may have heard of it through the grapevine of frothing mountain bikers.
You might be wondering why so much hype surrounds such a small and once forgotten town…
Wonder no more my friend, I am here to show you why Blue Derby holds rank for the best mountain biking trails in Australia (promise I’m not biased) and why you will be booking your next mountain biking holiday in Derby as soon as you’re done reading.

It all began almost 10 years ago when an ideas man set off on an extraordinary mission to bring mountain biking to Tasmania. He worked arduously for more than a year before one smart council decided to agree with his plan.
And with the help of World Trail, the famous Atlas trail was born.
Word spread quickly as mountain bikers from all around Australia fell in love with the perfectly built trail that descended through a technical and stunning rainforest.
The need for more epic trails became apparent and just one year later, the iconic Blue Tier was built. Acclaimed as one of the best wilderness trails in the world, the new extension blew the hype right out of the water.
From that point, popularity grew quickly and the World Trail guys got to work producing the Blue Derby masterpiece. A park big enough and diverse enough to cater for the forever-growing demand.
Ok, there was more than one man involved and the story is grand. But this post ain’t about the history…
It’s about the epic mountain bike tracks of Blue Derby Tasmania.

But why Derby? What’s so special about the trails that make up Blue Derby?
Well, it’s not just one thing…
The moist atmosphere within the rainforest produces the most phenomenal dirt I have had the pleasure of riding. Dirt made even better by the healthy dumping of rain Tasmania receives.
The granite rocks littering the trails hold grip despite the imminent wet weather. And the enchantingly vibrant forest surrounding sets a picturesque backdrop as you shred the tacky trails.
Yeah, these trails are the real deal!

Blue Derby Overview
Intermediate / Advanced
Trail Style
Singletrack, Gravity Enduro
91 km
3 full days (minimum)
Total Descent
4,504 m
Entrance Fee
Free without shuttles, $33 a day for shuttles through Vertigo MTB (half-day shuttle session)
Trail Map Sign, toilets, showers, drinking water, food (in Derby)
Recommended Gear
Full face helmet, Body Armour, Downhill rated knee pads, Long sleeve jersey, Gravity pants, Gloves, Camelbak
Best Time To Visit
All year round! Though the dirt is best from April to June.
Built throughout a cool temperate rainforest, the Blue Derby Trail Network offers some of the best terrain for mountain biking. A moist atmosphere and cool climate allow the trails to hold shape better than any I have come across.
Mix that with the insanely great trail building ideas and execution curtesy of World Trail and you have a winning bike park for all.
While Blue Derby is geared predominantly towards the intermediate to advanced rider, some choice trails have been produced to ease those beginners into the wild ride that is Blue Derby.
Below I have divided the trails into advanced, intermediate and beginner to provide a full rundown of what you can expect on your visit to Derby.
Let’s go!

Blue Derby’s Gravity Runs
Blue Derby is an Enduro mountain biker’s paradise. The trails up are built just as superbly as the trails down, and the more effort it takes to reach a descent, the more reward you’ll get!
Creativity and knowledge of the trail map are valuable resources when it comes down to making the most of your day at Blue Derby.
I have included a list of our favourite circuits and more on shuttles later in this post but for now, I have babbled on enough. Time to dip your toes into the epic trails of the Blue Derby Network.

Advanced Trails In Blue Derby
On returning to Blue Derby after a season of harsh winter weather, our eyes were opened to just how intense the mountain biking in Derby can be.
Large amounts of exposed rock litter the trail network and, as a general rule, become more prominent the higher you climb. With the huge amounts of rain we’ve received in Australia this year, the little dirt that did surround the rocky trails has all but washed away.
This may deter some but I’m guessing if you’re keen on reading about the intense slabs and steep terrain that Derby offers, you’re not one of them!
And with Blue Derby falling into the category of the best of the best in professional terms – good enough for the EWS to keep coming back – I think it’s only fair to begin here…

Air Ya Garn
What better trail to start with than the famous Air Ya Garn. To this day, I have yet to find another jump trail that flows quite like this one.
The boys nailed the construction of Air Ya Garn from start to finish. With jumps of all shapes and sizes scattered throughout the flow trail, you’ll be lapping this one all day.
Even those not so keen on lifting their tyres from the ground will be skimming the tops of the perfectly built rollers.
As you flow into Lower Air Ya Garn, wide berms and super deep rollers take you on a rollercoaster as you weave through the steep valley back to the trailhead.

Kumma Gutza
There’s a darn good reason this trail was rated No.1 in the 2019 EWS season. And that reason is an intensely demanding run from start to finish.
Extreme rock slabs create mighty obstacles as you begin the descent through perfectly sculpted berms, your mind is kept racing as you pick your way through the rocky terrain. Insane features come at you behind every corner, with the monstrous gap jump taking the cake.
Moving into the lower sections of Kumma Gutza, the high-speed race continues through loose and off-camber corners, introducing you to an old school feel of rough and raw as your tyres push the limits of grip.
While Kumma Gutza can arguably be described as one of the most intense trails in Blue Derby, the plethora of line choice provides riders with the ability to choose their own level of adventure.

Roxanne is a beauty of a descent. A trail where calm and casual meets speed and tech, with the only downside being a couple of pedal strokes needed toward the beginning and end.
A welcoming flow begins the descent with stand out berms and skinny singletrack hugging mossy rocks and fern trees. Before long, you’re met with a rock garden… wait, that does not do justice, a boulder garden with dozens of line choice.
Huck it right through the middle or take on the sloping rocky corner to continue into the most exciting section of this epic trail.
I will leave the description there, as you’ve got to have a little surprise in life. But what I will say is that Roxanne is the perfect warm-up trail for those gnarly riders out there, and with only one major technical rock section, this is the best trail for those eager to progress from intermediate.

Now Blue Derby may be well known for rocks… but ain’t nothing compares to Shearpin.
This death-defying mother f***** of a run is not to be taken lightly. And if you’re not on point with 100% focus and determination, Shearpin will chew you up and spit you out before you know it.
Upper Shearpin is almost completely comprised of a single – extremely harsh – rock garden and maintaining any form of a line is almost impossible.
If violently bouncing between jagged rocks doesn’t worry you then maybe the shear drop of tight switchbacks or super gnarly rock slabs that follow might.
If you treasure your precious bike or have any form of self-preservation, maybe you shouldn’t attempt to tame this beast…

Continuing with the theme of stupidly insane, the exploding nature of Detonate will cause a few hiccups on your way down to put it lightly.
This run is a perfect example of a double black diamond, featuring all of the major hazards involved in mountain biking. Rock gardens, rock slabs, super steep sections, loose and unsupportive corners, off-camber lines, tight berms and the best chute I have seen that isn’t covered in snow…
The one thing Detonate has going for it compared to Shearpin?
At least there is some sort of line to follow. However, that line is gnarly at the best of times and navigating through the famously tight chute is no walk in the park.
Expect to shave some millimetres off the ends of your bars on this one!

Black Stump
While Black Stump may not provide the dangerously treacherous features or gradients it’s siblings offer, that isn’t to say this run should be taken lightly…
The gentle slope of Black Stump makes navigating the tech easier but introduces a hardship to maintain flow. Line choice is of utmost importance to maintain speed and avoid pedal strikes.
Black Stump funnels into Lower Shearpin, so be sure you’re ready for some seriously off cambered rock slabs or, if that scares the pants off you, a short pedal up the fire road takes you right back to the Black Stump shuttle point.
23 Stitches
I can only describe this run as MAGIC!
And if you also like fast and flow, drop what you are doing and focus.
Best described as an old school jump trail, 23 Stitches boasts a copious amount of kickers ranging in shapes and style. Leaf litter regularly coats the beautiful Derby dirt, creating an even higher sense of adrenaline as you soar between the tight tree lines and spectacular berms.
This run caters for most as nearly all launch pads have a b-line option. The main reason 23 Stitches is classed as an advanced trail is due to its raw nature.
A word of advice, don’t attempt this trail in the rain if you’re not so confident. The leaves provide a slippery slide effect that is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea!

The Trout.
Pure excellence, you’ll marvel at the perfect trail building on every turn.
But don’t be fooled by the fast-flowing nature of the gentle technical beginning because after the iconic slab, shit gets real!
The gradient of the run steepens drastically as the giant slab shoots into off-camber rock gardens. Attempt to tame these rock gardens as they bounce you through tight switchbacks and rock chutes before hurling you out of the mouth of the Trout.
A trip to Derby just isn’t complete without conquering the Trout.
But keep in mind this is a seriously difficult trail and I only recommend this for advanced riders… But I’m not your mother.

Black Dragon
A somewhat forgotten trail of the Blue Derby Network, Black Dragon has surely claimed a few victims in its time.
Seriously steep lines – both on the up and the down – make this yet another extreme trail of the Blue Derby network.
And yes, I said up.
Black Dragon is perhaps the most gruelling climb in Tasmania, with super steep pinches and almost vertical slabs to propel over. If you clear the climb in one fell swoop, you are doing bloody darn well!
And the intensity continues into the descent through an abundance of slabs and mandatory drops. This aggressive line back down to Devil Wolf isn’t for the faint of heart.
Alternative access can be achieved toward the final stage of Atlas or Dam Busters where riders have the choice of tech or flow.
Deadly Bugger
An outstanding set of boosters line you up for yet another super fun advanced flow trail. Deadly Bugger drops in and out of massive swooping berms, perfect for those Scandi Flicks everyone so surely loves doing.
Leading down to the Derby Tunnel, the well-groomed wide berms are a perfect way to finish off before having a beer and cheering with your mates.

Intermediate Trails In Blue Derby
So steep and gnarly isn’t your thing?
While there are intermediate lines down the mountain from the shuttle point, it’s important for me to point out that these blue runs may be more difficult than you’re used to.
The same exposed rock that’s found in the advanced trails is apparent in nearly all of the blue trails also, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Let’s call these runs a Derby Blue… remembering this more resembles a black run at most parks… Maydena and Thredbo excluded!
Flickity Sticks
Without a doubt, the best run to start you off on a great day of riding the Blue Derby Mountain Bike Park is good old Flickity Sticks. This super fun run is the perfect gravity challenge for intermediate riders and an unbeatable warm-up for the more advanced.
With a combination of smooth berms, large boulders and tight technical sections, the perfect balance of tech and flow is created as this magnificent run winds down a gentle gradient.
Upper Flickity Sticks supplies all of the tech, whereas the lower stage heaves in the flow. The clever balance of rock slab and garden graduates into the flowing fun nature that is Lower Flickity Sticks. This creates an intermediate trail with all the best Blue Derby can throw at you.

Return To Sender
Return to Sender is a spectacular intermediate trail encompassing all of the best sights in Blue Derby.
Accessible directly from the Black Stump Shuttle point, this long gravity descent will throw everything at you. Expect to burrow through dense tree ferns, roll the epic slabs and snake down the ever so exciting berms.
While this run is mainly descending, a small punchy climb stands between the first and final descent. A high-speed EWS stage that’s mild tech makes this an exhilarating run at speed without compromising an easy-going nature for lesser riders.
It’s one of the only trails that doesn’t finish at the Trail Head, introducing a bit of variety into the scenery.

If long technical descents are your thing, then Kingswall is the run for you. Bordering the Western outskirts of Blue Derby and adding a step up in length and tech from Return To Sender, this trail is an epic adventure in itself.
Beginning from the gnarly peak of Blue Derby’s park, you can expect to find some steep and technical descents before shooting into a relaxed traverse across the ‘Kings Wall’. From the lookout point, a gentle ride across the old water races funnels riders back into town.
But not before joining with the end of Return To Sender, where you can enjoy some fast flowing berms to finish off a perfect ride.
Kingswall is definitely bordering the line between intermediate and advanced, with a tremendous combination of blind jumps and rock gardens stored away.

Dam Busters
Best described as a Cross-Country loop – that is until the beautiful descent begins – Dam Busters casually leads mountain bikers around the Cascade Dam.
This trail traverses through beech and eucalypt forests, past swimming holes and across bridges, crystal clear creeks and moss-covered boulders. Running beside the water’s edge in places, it climbs up to stunning views overlooking the lake.
Dambusters finishes with a white knuckle descent back down to Devilwolf (where many of the trails meet two-thirds of the way back to the trailhead). Fast flow lines and deep berms produce one of the fastest and most thrilling descents of the Derby network.

Snig Track
Now if you like this track, you must be sick…
The Snig. An evil trail… though a necessary evil to reach the 560m peak that makes the Blue Derby trail network’s highest point. Snig track provides the only access to some of Blue Derby’s most outrageous trails, so this pain must be endured for all Enduro lovers.
The Snig Track is a tough climb at the best of times and with any amount of moisture present, prepare for a sloppy ride through the tight tree ferns.
This climb has it all, from the giant rock slab to pinchy switchbacks to the wet and wild bog of the forest, Snig really is a climbers delight… though as I said earlier, if you’re into that sort of thing you must be sick!
The only respite from the pain is the incredible forest the trail winds through. Watch for the green room, you’ll understand the reference when you get there!
Boy you’re in for a treat… if you can withstand the punishing climb that is.
Krushka’s is one of Blue Derby’s longest routes, and with it comes an almighty ascent. Switchback after switchback leads you through thick forest and provides unbeatable views over Derby. The massive climb gradually leads you up to Big Mama – an iconically massive tree signalling the peak of the major climb.
And from Big Mama, Krushka’s turns it up a notch or five!
Pristine berms lace the mountainside as you power down the epic flow that is Krushka’s. The gritty dirt littered with perfectly placed rocks and boulders creates a wild and poppy ride down the entirety of the run.
But the best part… Krushka’s is on the less popular side of Derby, as that bewildering climb deters may from accomplishing this marvel. Because of this, the trail continues to be in prime condition throughout the epic riding seasons.

This undulating and moderately technical trail provides incredible views from Devilwolf leading up through the Cascade Valley. Crazy rock formations pass by before you reach Boulder Falls, a worthy place to stop and wander.
Throughout the scattered rock making up the trickiness of Howler, short climbs and arduous features make up the difficulties. But don’t freat, B-lines around all the tricky obstacles cater for the budding intermediates.
Ahh Ratler. Howler’s big brother in more ways than one.
Not just for the sheer difficulty increase, in which the rocky outcrop will rattle deep through your bones, but for the location as well. Standing higher on the mountain, Rattler runs across the top of Boulder Falls, almost adjacent to Howler. This bouncy descent will challenge even the best of riders travelling at speed, leaving them grinning wildly.

Berms And Ferns
As the name suggests, this trail is a rollercoaster of berms and rollers dipping and weaving in and out of the beautiful overhanging tree ferns that Blue Derby is known for.
Cutting loose into these almost wall-ride like berms will guarantee two things. One – your stoke levels will be uncontrollable. Two – you’re going to get slapped in the jaw by a dangling branch!
Another epic party trail and one that can be achieved by nearly all levels of mountain bikers out there.

Long Shadow
Forget shuttling, Long Shadow is Black Stump’s climbing trail taking riders from Devilwolf back up to the shuttle drop-off point.
Separated into two sections, lower Long Shadow definitely runs as the easier of the pair. With no real challenge, this climb can be enjoyed and used as a chance to marvel in the beautiful forest. But after the turning point near the shuttle road, this climb becomes more of a mission as exposed rock become more prominent and the incline ever so slightly increases.
You may be thinking – why on earth would one even consider this silly trail, heck, why would the World Trail crew even build such a thing? Well, later I will fill you in with some local knowledge of how to use Long Shadow to your advantage!
The Great Race
Merely a rocky traverse that proves rather menacing in more than one section.
This short trail is widely used as an alternate access point for 23 Stitches… Not everyone likes the incredibly off-camber rock slabs that make up Lower Shearpin.
Wotchya Upta
Shadowing the Derby Lake and providing a perspective of Derby like no other in the colossal network, Wotchya Upta weaves through the dense forest, pushing up along the dark orange dirt found on this side of the lake.
Perfect trail building technique is present as the climb swiftly lifts you up high above the shimmering water below.
And after a moment to soak up the quaint views, Wotchya Upta quickly turns downward through a series of tight lines and dirt that provides more than expected grip.

Beginner Trails In Blue Derby
As the sport of mountain biking continues to grow, so too does the need to provide more and more beginner trails.
And Blue Derby is doing just that!
With the newest additions of the charming lake track and Branxholm trail tacking onto Blue Derby’s beginner network, this beautiful town is becoming more and more beginner-friendly.
Just remember, there are no beginner routes down from the Black Stump Shuttle point. So if you’re not ready, don’t push your limits too hard. Or I’ll say I told you so when I pick you up for the next shuttle 🙂

Branxholm Trail / Valley Ponds
The Branxholm Trail is the newest in the network that surrounds Blue Derby. This multi-directional trail that links the towns of Derby and Branxholm is the perfect adventure to get you initiated into the world of mountain biking.
On this family-friendly trail, you’ll be introduced to berms and ride through fern forests that mirror the beauty that is the famous Blue Tier adventure. Along this beautiful journey, the casual flow uncovers a hidden lake – perfect for a break or to use as a return mark for the little tackers – and weaves through a large boulder field that lines the wide path.
This track is 9km one way, perfect for an all day adventure, and the only beginner trail that comes with a shuttle option through Vertigo MTB.
Derby Lake
Located just across the Ringarooma River, the Derby Lake trail is the perfect starting point for beginner mountain bikers.
Berms and dips are the main focus of this track as it undulates around the banks of Derby Lake, dipping in and out of the vibrant green forest.
The trail isn’t just for mountain biking though, some perfect post-ride remedies are found at ‘the beach’. Derby lake is home to the towns best – and warmest – swimming and fishing location as well as the newest craze to strike the southern hemisphere – A Floating Sauna…

Chain Gang
Chain Gang is your first introduction to singletrack mountain biking. A step up from Derby Lake and Branxholm, this skinny trail winds into the Blue Derby network with a short and swift circuit.
Rusty Crusty
Now we are getting a little more confident, this trail is a slightly longer and more difficult loop than Chain Gang.
Here you’ll begin to wind further into the forest, crossing rivers and skirting rocks before having the option to continue on to the iconic Derby Tunnel.
Leading further into the depths of Blue Derby, Axehead is the climbing trail to access the wider network of trails.
Twisting tightly along the steep banks of the Cascade River, Axehead is as scenic as it is exciting. This trail introduces you to pinchy climbs and rocky obstacles.
Take a break at Tasty Trout falls, where after rain the water can become quite the sight!
Axehead concludes at 5-ways (Devilwolf) where the majority of the lower trails meet.
While Axehead is still a beginner trail, there is an obvious leap between the previous trails discussed. Large falls down the mountainside can be the result of an accident in some locations. While it’s still an easy-going trail, consequences can be high.

Following along the wide green loop, Relics begins the descent back to the trailhead. As the trail winds down a gentle gradient, you can expect some calm flow as you learn to pick up some speed on a skinny singletrack.
The biggest obstacle on this trail is the Cascade River crossing. A make-shift bridge out of rocks can be difficult, but walking will result in getting your feet wet!
Warning: After heavy rain, this river bloats and becomes quite the challenge…
A massive terrain shift is evident as you make your way onto Sawtooth. Bright orange dirt contrasts with vibrant green shrubs, resembling the likes of a potato farm.
This fun and flowing track will wind you through berms and dips, topped off with an epic view of Derby laid out below.
Turbo Chook
If you don’t know what a Turbo Chook is, ask a Tasmanian. Then you will understand the name.
This super fast and fun trail will give you vertigo as you loop and weave through ferns on the best green descent in Derby.

I know what you’re thinking.
How the heck does one ride a trail network of this magnitude!?
Well, lucky for you there are plenty of options…
Over time, Derby has become quite the mountain biking hotspot – go figure – and with that demand comes the necessity to get riders up the mountain. Several shuttle companies have popped up as a saving grace for us lazy folk.
And boy am I glad they did.
The Blue Debry network is massive and if pedalling up was the only option, there ain’t no chance you could see it all.
But the shuttle companies don’t just provide you with a lift up the mountain. The knowledgeable local drivers take pride in assisting riders with the correct trail recommendations and prove time and time again to be the best form of knowledge.
But what’s the actual deal with shuttle’s?

There are four main Blue Derby Shuttle Companies, these are Up Down Around, Vertigo MTB and Premium MTB. Up Down Around shuttles give you the freedom of walking up and paying as you go, with shuttles running continuously. Up Down Around also offer a discounted all day shuttle pass which is pretty epic, especially if you want to lap Air Ya Garn. Premium MTB and Vertigo MTB run a tad differently to the rest…
Utilising Buggies, Premium MTB are able to reach sections of the network other shuttle companies cannot and tend to gear towards small group packages where vehicles can be hired at a lump sum cost.
Vertigo MTB offer a morning and afternoon shuttle service for Black Stump that runs 4 times each session at specific times. Unfortunately, if you hire a bike from a different company, you’re unable to use the Vertigo MTB shuttles.
As well as the Black Stump shuttle, the shuttle companies offer some epic all-day adventure rides including the unmissable Blue Tier and Bay Of Fires trails.
For those small groups wanting an all-inclusive holiday where it’s about the food as much as the tracks, it’s hard to look past Tailored Trails. The owner, Mark, is a legend who has figured out the best way for you and your small group of friends to experience Blue Derby and St Helens.
And for those that think they are fit, keep in mind that Blue Derby is completely free to access. You can choose to skip the shuttles all together and take to the climbing trails.
But I can guarantee one thing… you won’t enjoy the day nearly as much!

Our Favourite Circuits
There is a trick to mountain biking at Blue Derby, one that allows you to maximise riding time and better the near-perfect experience.
That trick is to piece together several runs to create an epic mountain biking adventure.
This is the time to use your imagination.
Here is a list of our favourites circuits, ones that utilise a whole afternoon and ones that will get you down in time for your next shuttle.
But don’t be shy to ask me or any of the bus drivers for tips, they are the best source of knowledge after all.

A personal favourite and an absolute pearler if you love flow! Begin with the all-round Flickity Sticks, then swing to the left at the junction point and get ready for a leg burner.
Long Shadow is an easy and gradual climb, but spanning 2 km causes some pain. On reaching the top, turn straight back around and drop into Lower Air Ya Garn for a fast and poppy finish.
One for our friends that love jumping.
And I mean LOOOOOOVVEEE jumping!
Upper Air Ya Garn is a standout favourite amongst the crowds and hosts the best line of kickers.
So why not do it twice?
After meeting the road, just ride back up it… seems obvious when you think about it. This isn’t the most exciting up-trail, but who cares?
It’s Air Ya Garn.
Looking for a mixture of insanity and flow? Try this on for size…
Begin with the famous Detonate and if your legs aren’t jelly after all the rocks, head back up Long Shadow and finish with style on Lower Air Ya Garn.
Start with the heartbreaking climb up Snig Track, then point your nose towards Kummagutza. After smashing the rock slabs and big gaps, set your sights on Kingswall.
This one is epic for a late afternoon, the sun descending on Derby is something else!
You will not be riding either Kummagutza or Kingswall to their entirety but you will get the best of both.
The best of everything. Climb to tech to flow. This circuit has it all.
For the lovers of rough and raw terrain. Several kilometre’s of almost undisturbed rocky descent, finishing on an advanced jump line. Trust us, you will embrace the green run home.
Here is but an example of being creative… and extremely fit! Blue Derby is at your mercy and your final run is only limited to your imagination!
And maybe your legs…

Blue Derby’s Epic Adventure Trails
Oh no, Blue Derby Tasmania isn’t just a place for mad Enduro mountain bikers.
It’s a place for thrill seeking adventurers.
And High up in the mountains of the Blue Tier Forest Reserve, reaching sub-alpine levels of Tasmania, you’ll find just that… Adventure.
Calm and crisp alpine terrain. Streams of the purest quality. Moss enchanted trails engulfed by the canopy of a thriving myrtle forest and tree ferns as old as Tasmania itself.
The Blue Tier is a place like no other.
From this epic part of the world comes a mountain bikers paradise. With more than one unforgettable trail cut through the beautiful landscape, the Blue Tier is a place you cannot miss.

Blue Tier
Ahh the Blue Tier, the bread and butter of what makes Blue Derby such a special place. Commencing in sub-alpine terrain, this epic single track leads mountain bikers on a once in a lifetime journey through the beautiful myrtle beech forests.
The Blue Tier is famous for its superior grip and is the exact reason the term Derby dirt was born. Seemingly never-ending flow is found amongst the depths of the giant Eucalypts, flow that will put more than just a smile on your face.
And the king of flow is Big Chook.
A final 6km descent of unbelievable grip and swooping berms will do wonders for your confidence and makes for the perfect end to a perfect trail.
But it can’t be all bells and whistles. Amongst the flowing descents and beautiful scenery, you must earn your right of passage with some challenging climbs. Exposed rock scattered throughout the ascents makes the Blue Tier no walk in the park, yet adds to the immense satisfaction as you sip a well-deserved beer at the Weldborough Hotel.

The original trail, Atlas.
This is the ultimate of adventure trails, but not for the reason you may think.
No, Atlas doesn’t cover loads of distance or provide insane flow. It has earnt its loving reputation for being the oldest and an all-round technical masterpiece.
Atlas is usually coupled with the Blue Tier to create an incredible day of adventure, bringing the gnar to the chopping block.
Commencing in a similar undulating nature as the Blue Tier, Atlas’ unique descent comes as a surprise as you leave the open forests behind.
Fast and ferocious lines cut through thick vegetation and rock gardens, lifting the stakes for intermediate mountain bikers.
Creating a challenge that is oh so enjoyable.
Many different line options snake between the rocky sections of the descent, meaning riders can pick their poison. Whether you pick a safe route or go full send and glide straight off the granite rock, Atlas is a most enjoyable ride for nearly all who conquer it.
Well, for those that love tech anyhow.
Funnelling you back into the Blue Derby network, Atlas provides alternate access for Krushka’s, Dam Busters Descent and Black Dragon.

Bay Of Fires
If you’ve started planning your Derby adventure, I’m almost certain you would have heard the whispers about the First 13…
And if you haven’t, listen carefully!
Mildly technical, super tight, incredible Blue Tier dirt and a mint selection of berms no trail can compare to…
The ‘First 13’ is the descent of the century!
But that’s just the beginning…
The Bay Of Fires adventure trail continues for 42 epic kilometres, connecting the mountains and the coast.
You can bet your bottom dollar you’ll be met with massive diversity on this trail.
Leaving the enchanting Blue Tier behind and switching to wide-open coastal forests, it’s as if you’ve been transported to an entirely different part of the world.
Cruising through the long, but easy-going, climb that makes up the middle section of this trail, nothing but admiration can be felt for the creative trail building skills. Trails that have been cut between massive expanses of boulders and flow superbly, almost making you forget you’re climbing!
And as it should always be, the trail ends with 6km of flowing descent where you can let loose and shred the berms all the way down to Swimcart beach.
No other place in Australia lets you experience sub-alpine terrain, the best of the Blue Tier’s moss-covered forests and finish at the world-renowned coastline of the Bay Of Fires within 42km.
It’s an unbeatable bucket list mountain biking experience.
And if you choose Vertigo as your shuttle option, waiting for you at your very own secluded beach shack is a complimentary lunch and beers while you cool off in the crystal clear beaches of the Bay Of Fires.
Keep in mind, this is a long ride with plenty of climbing involved. So prepare hard and enjoy to your full potential. But don’t fret if your fitness isn’t up to scratch, this is the perfect trail for an E-Bike and luckily there are plenty on offer at Vertigo 🙂

How To Sum Up Blue Derby?
Blue Derby is an enduro fanatics masterpiece. The massive trail network is as incredible as it is intense. And the scenery is as epic as the trails are gnarly.
But the best part? Due to the sloping nature of the mountains surrounding, the adventure can be as hectic as you make it. Leaving plenty of stoke to be had for the intermediates not quite ready for Maydena!
It really is no wonder that Blue Derby is on so many bucket lists…
Which is your favourite trail at Blue Derby? Tell us in the comments below. And of course, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!