Is Dungog Common MTB Park The New King Of Flow?

Dungog, a tiny forgotten town in the middle of the hills. Rolling hills stretching as far as the eye can see. The scenery painted green with vibrant farmlands and forests.

At least until a few smart fellows decided to take advantage of an expanse of unused land nearby. Turning it into an epic network of mountain biking trails.

Trails full of fast flow and crisp cross-country. A mountain bike park geared towards every rider and their families.

Little did these legends know, this would be the turning point for the whole town. Dungog has come alive in the last year or so, all due to the epic mountain biking trails.

Mountain biking has reached a whole new high in Australia and these smart country folk took full advantage. What they have now is enough funding to ramp this little mountain bike park up to its full potential.

Below I will explain the trails they have created so far. But watch this space, these will not be the only trails available in the future…

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Dungog MTB Park Overview


Trail Style
Singletrack, Cross Country, Flow, Gravity

31 km

4 hrs

Total Descent
872 m

Entrance Fee

Trail Map Sign, Large Car Park (approval to build an amenities block with a bike wash… winning!)

Personal shuttles are permitted on weekdays, though the Dungog Common committee prefers riders to pedal to reduce the risk of an incident.

Recommended Gear
Open face helmet, Light weight knee pads, Long sleeve jersey, Shorts, Gloves, Camel back

Birds eye view of the Dungog Common Flow Trails

Dungog Common, located on the outskirts of town, is an area used widely for outdoor enthusiasts. Over the years, many unique bushwalking, horse riding and mountain bike singletrack have been developed.

In 2014, a community-led and founded group known as the Dungog Common Recreation Reserve Land Managers was established with the aim to maintain the Common via a community trust.

The area spans a whopping 650 acres, but we are here to focus on one major segment of Dungog Common – the newly acclaimed mountain bike tracks.

EastCoast Mountain Trails are the new guys behind the shovels, through the course of 2020, they worked with the Dungog Common team to audit their original cross-country tracks and build two brand new flow trails.

Thank God!

Flow trails are what’s missing in the Central Coast and Hunter region and the team at Dungog MTB park nailed it. They’ve taken the Newcastle mountain biking scene by storm and don’t look to be slowing down.

But we can’t forget about the local community and the massive part they played in building this awesome bike park.

Ride Dungog quickly met their 60 thousand dollar goal with many local businesses happy to jump on board and donate money to help re-birth their once-popular town.

Due to the teams epic fundraising, the Common has received approval for an amenities block which includes toilets, showers, bike wash down, water re-fill, signage, and seating.

But enough of the small talk, let’s take a closer look at the spectacular trails that make up Dungog Common MTB Park.

Railing a berm at Dungog Common MTB Park in my Shimano Am901 SPD mtb Shoes

Dungog Common MTB Flow Trails

The greatest innovation and something Dungog Common – and the rest of the Central Coast and Hunter region – really needed was the introduction of outstanding flow trails.

Yes, there are some epic gravity trails in Ourimbah and the downhill runs in Glenrock are becoming outstanding… But what about the smooth, fast and poppy flow? The stuff that all levels can enjoy?

It becomes apparent as soon as you take on the first line that these perfectly sculpted flow trails are for everybody. Mad experts looking to shave some seconds off their cornering, newbies gaining confidence on the wide-open smooth trails… it all works in perfect harmony.

The flow trails provide the perfect progression jumps, all of which are well rounded so riders can choose to send it skyward or keep their tyres firmly planted in the dirt.

After a relaxed pedal up Hile Climb followed by the Dungog Common Firetrail, you’re ready to descend upon the epic flow…

mountain biking around berms on the flow trail in Dungog Common mtb park

The Blue Flow Trail

The Blue Flow trail was Dungog’s first purely gravity focused trail and it’s safe to say, they smashed it!

This 1.2 km descent will have you hooked from the moment your tyres peel off the starting line. Straight away, the nature of fast flow is introduced and it’s this wonderful feeling that will remain for the entirety of the run.

Hard packed dirt and wide singletrack lines lead you into the first succession of largely formed berms and tabletop jumps.

Sliding deep into the trees, the trail width halves as you ride the rollercoaster of turns and berms as the run begins the steepen.

It’s at this turning point that the beautiful nature of gravity will take charge and speed will increase drastically. The smooth nature of the terrain requires no braking, making flow an easy task for anyone who attempts this masterpiece of a run.

Flying around a berm with dust kicking up off my tyre on the flow trail in Dungog Common

But before you can get comfortable, the forever weaving track spits you out of the tree line, slicing through the open bushland and helping you gain speed to fly into the best berms of the whole trail.

Sending you into the open area is a moderately sized table-top with an extremely progressive landing ramp, perfect for those beginners out there looking to challenge themselves.

And now you’ve arrived at the stand out feature along Dungog MTB parks best flow trail…

Sending the bridge gap on the Blue Flow Trail at Dungog MTB Park

Launching you up and over the Green Flow trail, shooting you high into the tree line, this epic bridge jump is the perfect addition for mountain bikers of a more advanced level to test their skill.

Don’t stress if a jump this size isn’t for you. You can easily roll over this bridge and continue building pace down the landing ramp.

The conclusion of Dungog’s Blue Flow trail continues with the same fun flowing fashion all the way to the conclusion, where some larger tabletop jumps and berms await for a stylish but friendly finish.

The Green Flow Trail

Finally, an amazing introduction gravity flow trail for budding mountain bikers!

Commencing in much the same style as the Blue Flow, the 1.3 km Green Flow trail has but one major difference after rolling in… Only fun and forgiving berms will be found.

Keeping a higher route along the hillside – almost hugging the Dungog Common fire road climb – a gentle gradient is maintained through the opening sections as the trail weaves in and out of the spacious tree line.

Some pedal strokes will be needed throughout the beginning of the Green Flow trail, as you practice flying high on the wide berms.

Soon after, the Green trail shifts to the favour of gravity lovers and begins to steepen as the run continues through the mid-section.

A series of fast switchback styled berms tightly line the slope, leading riders left and right before tunnelling underneath the awesome bridge jump.

That’s right, you fly through a small tunnel as riders on the Blue Flow jump over your head. And from there, Dungog’s green flow trail takes a steady approach to the conclusion.

Candace smashing a berm on the flow trails in Dungog Common MTB Park

Dungog Common MTB Cross-Country

Moving to the other side of Dungog Common MTB Park – both figuratively and literally – you’ll find an abundance of easy going cross-country single track.

The Cross-Country portion of Dungog is widely based around a 15 km loop which leads riders throughout the entire park, finishing at the much-loved flow trails. There are smaller loops set up, allowing you to dip in and out where you please if you only want to complete a small section of the XC.

The loop is well signposted with arrows and trail names at most junctions. The arrows point in the directions of continuing the loop – with 15 km loop written above – and to potential short cuts.

Dungog’s cross-country loop is geared towards beginner mountain bikers – and cross-country fanatics wanting to challenge their fitness – with the only major difficulties being the inclusion of steep sections and a couple of rocks thrown on the trails.

I can’t wait to see what Eastcoast Mountain Trails come up with after the much-awaited audit and new trail plan.

But for now, let’s take a look at the trails that make up the Dungog Common cross-country loop…

how to brake on a mountain bike using both brakes together at Dungog common mtb park

Rock N’ Rollin And Fire Me Up

The loop begins with a couple of crackers to entertain you through tight singletrack over a gentle decline. With only the odd rock laying in your path, flying through the open line is pure bliss.

Traversing off-camber across the mountain, this free-flowing trail shifts to a slight climb as you enter the tall trees.

Signage displayed along the cross-country loop at Dungog Common mtb park

Black And Blue

Moving on through the open yet wide tree line, Black and Blue takes it up a notch with the introduction of rocks scattered haphazardly throughout sections of the trail.

Tight lines begin to snake down what is some of Dungog’s most technical corners before opening up to a playing field of wide, fast routes that swerve around the sweeping hillside.

Mountain biking through a technical corner on Dungog Common mtb parks cross-country loop

Jacks Black

Jacks Black is one of the only advanced rated runs in Dungog Common MTB Park. The undulating nature of this run provides a harder task than you are initially led to believe.

While there are no majorly technical portions, the rocks scattered along the trail are placed in positions to make your life hard…. or entertaining!

No gruelling climbs stand in your way, all you need is a couple of short sharp bursts to propel your bike through the tricky trail.

Mountain biking alongside the creek at Dungog Common mtb parks cross-country loop

The Bowlo

The climbing takes a backseat as the loop introduces the fun, flowy trails that make cross-country riding oh so much better.

After beginning in the trees, you’ll find yourself sitting atop a gully in which the trail dips in and out, using the natural angle of the gully wall as a berm.

So much time can be spent here, feeling the rollercoaster effect as you attempt faster speeds and maybe even chuck a foot out…

Don’t worry, no trail or Candace was harmed in the making of this photo… She didn’t even lock up her wheel, we’ve got a lot of skidding practice to do!

Candace attempting a skid on the cross-country loop at Dungog Common Mountain Bike Park

Up Up And Away

I don’t think I have to tell you what lies ahead… Yep, another up trail that stretches 1.3 km. Though the nature of Up Up and Away is vastly different from the last climbs on Dungog’s 15 km cross-country loop.

Just a gentle slope with winding switchbacks stand between you and one of Dungog Common’s most spectacular views of the countryside. A lovely place for a breather.

Riding up a tree at Dungog Common XC

Snakes Track And Als Downer

Moving to the final stages of the XC loop and onto some of Dungog Common’s best descents – Snakes Track and Als Downer.

Accompanying tight lines and long sweeping bends, these two trails have been built for speed and flow. No obstacles line the path other than a few small ski jumps and the occasional loose section.

All in all, a fast, fun, flowy descent.

Candace flying down the flow trails at Dungog Common MTB park in Newcastle

Switchback Up And Beehive

I was confused as to why Beehive received its name, and on my first round, I missed the obvious sign as to why… There are a collection of beehive boxes scattered along the right of the trail. Making a name as the stand out feature along the easy-going single track.

The final push up the long yet wide zig-zagging lines takes you to our most loved section of Dungog, the flow trails.

And the cross-country loop has its very own to end with…

The Rifle Range

The cross-country loop ends in style with the gravity focused Rifle Range trail. Beginning alongside the two flow trails, Rifle Range quickly dips right into the tight trees – with an added off shoot called Mother of Goats for those wanting to attack some challenging rock gardens.

The nature of the entire 1 km trail is fast and tight, with the only obstacles being some loose off-camber turns. A couple of small tabletops await the conclusion for a fast and fun finish.

Dungog Common Flow Trail

A park completely family-friendly and beginner-friendly, while not missing excitement for the advanced riders is a mighty hard task to accomplish. The crew involved at Dungog Common MTB Park have nailed it.

So to answer the big question – Is Dungog Common MTB Park the new king of Flow?

Hell yes it is!

But do you know the best part?

A local brewery by the name of Tinshed Brewery is situated just around the corner from the mountain bike park. Some of their beers are even mountain bike-themed and the burgers are exactly what you need after a day of riding. If you grab the Trail Ale, they donate a dollar to the bike park… so what are you waiting for??

Dungog Common MTB Park pinterest pin
Dungog Common MTB Park pinterest pin
Dungog Common MTB Park pinterest pin

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